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The Event Experience so 'Farr'

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

As cliché as it sounds since a young age, I have always had a passion for event planning, from organising family gatherings, to working and volunteering in the events industry, to now studying events management at university. My dream has always been to be the best possible event manager I can be, by using my years of experience along with my studies to ensure that someone’s dream becomes a reality, and that every last detail is planned to perfection, ensuring event attendees have the best day they possible can!

Just recently my dream has been put on hold, all event companies have had to close, and mass gatherings have been banned to the point where we are all sitting in lock-down trying to keep safe from the dreaded COVID 19.

Like so many others in the hospitality industry, we sit in limbo not knowing what is going to happen next. Will the booming events industry ever be the same again? Will event attendees want to consider attending events once this whole pandemic is all over? And what does it mean for those working in the industry or studying the subject at university?

There are so many unanswered questions which creates concern for so many, not just those in the hospitality industry.

These are times where we need to be considering what we are going to do moving forward. For so long we have been living one way, the socially excepted way and have not had any reason to change. Its almost as if this sudden change has put a hold on life.

This shouldn’t be the case though, we should be using this time to creatively think of ways to overcome this pandemic, how can we ensure that our dreams still become a reality, even if it means we have to slightly adjust them to suit the current market – This is all just food for thought, as I am still in the process of trying to come up with a new innovative way to overcome this situation and achieve my dream.

On that note here’s a little quote I found which I thought was quite fitting to the current circumstances.

“Eventually all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment and know that everything happens for a reason” (

If you’ve enjoyed reading, please stay tuned to see my up and coming blogs on how this pandemic is affecting the events industry and how we could possible move forward from this.

Until then stay safe,

Becks x

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