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Moving Forward

Over the years things around us have been changing and developing according to different situations, and we’ve just adapted, making the most out of these changes. Technology is a very good example of this. As people have evolved so has technology. This same concept should be applied to the current pandemic which is affecting many different industries today.

Most event organisations by now would have turned to the virtual world. There are so many useful websites and tools such as Eventbrite, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, online streaming which have helped to make this whole process a lot smoother and easier. However, there are still so many event organisations who are unsure of how the virtual world would work when planning and running an event, especially a wedding.

From reading different articles on weddings which have been cancelled and postponed to a potential later date, one of the major concerns for wedding couples is that they can no longer have everyone with them at their wedding, unless they postpone their wedding to a much later date. This still creates a lot of uncertainties for them as these later dates are still unknown due the current pandemic and lockdown.

Well if we look at history to date, 1.9 billion people across the UK came together through some form of technology to enjoy and partake in the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Megan (The Economic Times, 2018). The use of technology helped to create a sense as though the public were living in the moment with the royals. This same idea could potentially be adapted to suit the wedding industry.

Just think event organisers could be offering a virtual wedding package, a wedding E-card could be the next big thing and computer controlling systems could be used to spray out confetti as the newly wed couple walk back down the aisle to familiar faces watching them over virtual screens.

This may not sound ideal now however, as stated before, as times have changed so have we and we’ve made the most of out these changes. Therefore, ideas such as these should not be shut down, instead they should be tried and tested, who knows a virtual wedding could be the next ‘BIG thing’.

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